
Welcome to the website marking the end of Mark's independence. If you're Carol's friend or family you may prefer her take on things


Yes, it's finally happening - I'm getting married!

That's right, the rumours are true: just after I hit 40 years on this planet I'm going to throw away my independance, throw caution to the wind, and walk out of Hawkesyard Hall in Staffordshire a married man.

And all I have as consolation is that I walk out of there into a big party that's cost me a small fortune.

I must be mad.

It's probably a sign of my age.

That said, I'm really looking forward to it, and if you're reading this it probably means that out of desperation to appear popular I've sent you an invitation to witness the lamb walking knowingly into the slaughter, and (if I know you) you probably wouldn't miss it for the world.

So welcome to the website at the end of the universe, make yourself at home, and please please please don't forget to let us know as soon as possible whether you want to come and witness this particular spectacle.

In the event that you haven't received an invite and think it's because you've been accidentally missed, you'd better get in touch pretty damn quick so the mistake can be rectified!

Mark Rogers